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New type of simulant for Taiwan gem silica: Guizhou Jade (Greenish-blue Quartzite)
不是台灣沒關係~ 不夠藍沒關係~ 根本不是玉髓☝ 就有關係囉!
Blue chalcedony from Taiwan is famous in the market and commercially known as ”Taiwan Blue Gemstone”. The color is usually charming greenish-blue(Sky blue to marine blue) caused by chrysocolla inclusions. Due to its high price, imported blue chalcedony is always sold as blue chalcedony from Taiwan origin. Recently, a new type of simulant appears in the market which is greenish blue quartzite from Guizhou, China and known as “Guizhou Jade” in the trade. The difference between quartzite and chalcedony is grain size and porosity. The former is coarse sized and porous microcrystalline quartz, the later is fine sized and compact cryptocrystalline quartz. For the porous structure,“Guizhou Jade” is usually impregnated with EPOXY resin; enhanced “Guizhou Jade” looks very similar to blue chalcedony or amazonite.