客人帶著一只紅寶戒指前來本所送驗, 並宣稱賣家有附上鑑定證書且標示為無燒天然紅寶石。經過本所三位GIA鑑定師檢測,顯微鏡下發現明顯的熔融斷裂針狀內含物, 拉曼光譜下也顯示微量的玻璃質殘餘物螢光訊號, 因此該紅寶石顯然經過熱處理! 熱處理的判定與產地判別,有時會受鑑定所儀器設備以及鑑定者的專業認知所影響。台灣聯合鑑定中心對每一顆送驗的寶石, 都會以各種高階光譜儀器謹慎檢視, 最後再由三位鑑定師統一做出結論。除了慎選鑑定單位,多方求證以外,花冤枉錢買錯寶石不如買一本「實用寶石學」詳讀三遍,您說是嗎?
A ruby ring from our customer is claimed to be natural without thermal treatment by other gem lab. After RAMAN, EDXRF and magnification testing, TULAB gemologists think that the ruby is definitely heated, because of minor glass residue detected by raman spectrum and dissolved needle-inclusions which only appear in heated ruby. In general, the results of gem testing depend on the instrument and professional acknowledgement of gem lab. TULAB gemologist test any object with care by means of advanced instruments such as FTIR, UV-VIS, RAMAN and EDXRF; the final judgement is given by 3 GIA GG of TULAB.