
合成紅寶石、藍寶石、祖母綠與紫水晶的內含物。Inclusions of synthetic ruby, sapphire, emerald and amethyst.


天然寶石中的各種內含物。Inclusions insde natural gemstones.


Gem inclusion is material or structure which is trapped inside the gemstone during its formation process. Inclusion evidence relates to the temperature, pressure and composition of forming environment and even relates to thermal treatment sometimes. Gem microscope is the best tool to observe the inclusions; however it can not analyze the inclusion materials. Micro-raman is an raman analyzer with microscope which can be used to observe and analyze the inclusions. For the origin sourcing of corundum, different xenocrystals may refer to different origin, such as apatite, zircon, rutile or diaspore, etc. Studying inclusions is like a dialogue between gemstones and gemologist.


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